Starr Conspiracy: How Harri is Turning Scheduling Into an Art Form

- By Harri Insider Team | September 8, 2020
At Harri, we pride ourselves on being able to provide the hospitality industry with the best tools possible to be successful. When it comes to HR/HCM platforms and smart scheduling tools, find out why Starr Conspiracy (a B2B marketing agency who specializes in hospitality technology) believes our software has the most to offer. The following are quotes from Starr Conspiracy’s “Brandscape 2020”.
“[Harri’s] an impressive platform that’s benefiting from the increasing amount of regulation in big cities such as NYC and San Francisco that are increasing compliance complexity and risk, particularly in the restaurant industry.”
With our Fair Workweek and workforce management solutions, Harri has all of your bases covered. Check out how we excel in the following areas:
A ”Front Door” Enterprise
The Starr Conspiracy describes the “front door” of many HCM solutions as “the employee portal, which is a place most employees go as little as possible and only as a last resort”. The difference between Harri and our competitors is:
“Harri is one example of a very short list of HCM companies that could become the front door to the enterprise. Harri did this by focusing on functionality that is absolutely core to a business, like smart scheduling. With the advent of Fair Workweek laws in many municipalities, this one area is becoming a compliance minefield. And service workers care a lot about scheduling.”
“Harri is the first platform to take a holistic and integrated approach to navigating these challenges successfully within the flow of work and across the employee experience”.
We have always led the game in our scheduling solutions, but now with Fair Workweek looming over several major cities, we have taken it to the next level. We want employees to be able to engage easily and efficiently with our technologies to make their lives a little easier.
The Employee Experience
At Harri, the employee experience has always been our primary focus. Starr Conspiracy (in Brandscape) says the big misconception around the employee experience conversation is: “the idea that it’s a product platform rather than organizing principle or a framework”. Employees are people first, and respecting their time through a platform that is easy to manage and create schedules is crucial to improving their experience. It’s no secret that retention and turnover are difficult to accomplish in the hospitality industry, but we are working to improve this. When it comes to our HCM platform:
“HCM has the opportunity to be the scaffolding employee experience…Harri is best positioned to do this by virtue of its commitment to a bottoms up approach i.e. from the frontline employee to the enterprise.”
Our platforms are designed to make communication, smart scheduling, and operations easier for the whole business. We’re working hard to ensure that the employees in the hospitality industry have all of the tools they need to succeed, especially right now.
Managing Time and Attendance with Smart Scheduling
Smat employee scheduling has been a difficult task for operators everywhere. Now, scheduling is more than process automation, it’s higher-concept solutions. Social recognition, well-being, engagement, and talent management are all components Starr Conspiracy believes HCM solutions should be implementing into their scheduling solutions.
“Full-fledged HCM platforms like Harri are focusing on challenging industry verticals (hospitality) and turning scheduling into almost an art form with their level of sophistication”.
Employees are able to click-and-drag to swap schedules, leading to more engagement and less stress. This “sophistication” in our smart scheduling tools comes from understanding what employees need. Not only does our platform use a biometric time clock to eliminate the hassle of a swipe in and out system, but this alleviates stress for managers who can see everything happen in real time.
A big thank you to the Starr Conspiracy family for the kind words and the shoutout! To learn more about our HCM solutions for Fair Workweek, smart scheduling, or more, visit our website.