The Magic Behind The Holiday Season is Hospitality

Before you start packing your bags to leave for your holiday vacation or before you make a reservation at that restaurant you’ve been dreaming of, let me let you in a little secret.

There’s something that the people working behind the scenes in hospitality would like you to know. Something that you might have not noticed or thought about before unless you’ve worked in the industry. 

Our secret is that for most of us, during the holiday season, we wish we could be at home. 

Whether home is cozying up to a cup of hot chocolate watching Christmas movies, going over to a friend’s house for dinner, or travelling to see a loved one. 

The thing is that we knew what we signed up for when we decided to work in this industry. We knew that working in hospitality would mean working while everyone else was on vacation or enjoying a night off. 

We knew that it would mean making magic happen. 

Whether it’s working a double or triple shift, filling in different positions, flying the plane that’s taking you home to your loved ones, or cooking your favorite meal. We make it happen.

And we’re not complaining, because as exhausting as it can be, it is equally as rewarding. And we’re glad we’re able to become part of everyone’s story, even if it’s just a chapter.  Being able to bring people together is what we’re here for. 

So in case you’d like to know why hospitality is the magic behind the holiday season, let me paint you a picture: 

While you’re sitting down having Thanksgiving dinner with your family, we’re back in the kitchen eating a quick bite or a bag of chips ready to bring out your favorite meal.

While you’re on the plane waiting to see your loved ones, we’re the ones serving you drinks throughout the flight and making sure you’re comfortable. 

While you’re relaxing in your hotel room, we’re making sure nothing is missing for you and your memorable experience.

And when you’re enjoying your favorite meal, there’s a team of hands that are thoughtfully putting it together. 

For those of you who have worked, or are working this holiday season in the hospitality industry, there’s one thing that makes all the difference in the experience that we get as employees during this time. 

And that difference is the people around you. Or what I like to call, your holiday season family. 

This means the coworkers who are with you counting down the seconds to celebrate the new year or the guests who make you feel as if you’re part of their family for that moment. The people who are around us during this time, become our family. They’re the ones who we get to spend this special time with. 

And at the end of the day, part of the beauty of this industry and the holiday season is that it’s all about connection. About feeling the warmth from the people around you. About making someone else feel good.

One of my favorite memories about working during the holiday season was one New Year’s Eve when all the staff of the restaurant went to the kitchen to count down the last 10 seconds of the year, and when we were down to the last five, we all went out to the dining room and celebrated with the guests at the same time. It felt as if we were all in one room, instead of two different ones. 

We were all smiling, and hugging each other. Even if it was for 5 minutes, it felt like being back home. And the best part was thinking about the family meal (or staff meal) that was waiting for us downstairs at the employee cafeteria afterwards! Knowing that we get to celebrate special moments just as if we were guests, means everything when you’re working in hospitality during this season. 

It could be as simple as a longer break that day, a special meal, a holiday snack for everyone, or even decorations where we can see them. 

If you’re someone’s boss, coworker, employee, or guest during this time of the year, keep in mind how important it is to act with kindness and empathy. This holiday season, keep in mind that there’s always someone in the back making things happen for you.

So smile as often as you can to us.

Say “thank you” anytime you can. Appreciation during this time of the year goes a long way. Remember that little things are suddenly not so little when they come straight from your heart.

To all our hospitality fellows who are working behind the scenes, THANK YOU

We see you, we appreciate you, and we’ve got your back.

Maria Navarro is a new contributor to Harri. Born and raised in Mexico, Maria moved to the US with big dreams! Though only 28 she has a passion for hospitality and has worked in a variety of management positions for luxury hotels. Now Maria is pursuing her other love––writing and connecting with people ––and has launched her copywriting business, offering services in both English and Spanish. 

You can read more of her work at