Harri Mentioned in Hospitality Upgrade – The Coming Hiring Spree

harri mentioned in hospitality upgrade

We were mentioned in Hospitality Upgrade! As post-COVID hiring ramps back up, a tech solution to hire and retain employees is a vital tool in hospitality’s war on talent.

The Harri all-in-one HCM platform was recognized for being one of the only solutions that truly focuses on the employee experience for people-driven success:

Among the systems I evaluated, Harri stood out for its approach that, rather than just optimizing the hotel business processes, puts the candidate and employee at the center. A goal is to make them feel welcomed and important from the first step in the hiring process until the end of employment (or even post-employment); each step of the process is just a continuation of the environment they first experienced at the time they first applied. It is well established that business performance is driven to a large extent by employee engagement, yet no other product I found made the employee experience the center of its reason for being.

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